Home > Europe > Romania
Romania flag
   Romania is located in Eastern Europe and to the east it has a stretch of coast on the Black Sea, in correspondence with the Danube delta. The territory is characterized by the Carpathian mountain range in the central-northern area, while the plain takes over in the south and east, guaranteeing a vast arable area, which makes Romania a country that is still quite rural.
Government type Semi-presidential republic
Area 238,391 km² (92,043 sq mi)
Population 19,054,000 inh. (2021 census)
Population 19,060,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 80 inh/km² (207 inh/mi²)
Capital Bucharest (1,725,000 pop., 2,097,000 urban aggl.)
Currency Romanian leu
Human development index 0.821 (53rd place)
Languages Romanian (official), Hungarian, German
Life expectancy M 72 years, F 79 years
Location in Europe


Moldova EAST
Hungary and Serbia WEST
Bulgaria SOUTH
Black Sea EAST


Largest cities
Bucharest 1,725,000 pop., 2,097,000 urban aggl.
Cluj-Napoca 287,000 pop.
Iasi 272,000 pop.
Constanta 264,000 pop.
Timisoara 251,000 pop.
Brasov 238,000 pop.
Craiova 234,000 pop.
Galati 218,000 pop.
Highest mountains
Moldoveanu 2,544 m (8,346 ft)
Negoiu 2,535 m (8,317 ft)
Longest rivers
Danube 2,858 km (1,776 mi) total, 1,075 km (668 mi) in Romania
Tisza 976 km (606 mi) total, Romania has only a little section marking the border with Ukraine
Prut 926 km (575 mi) total, 742 km (461 mi) in Romania
Mures 761 km (473 mi) total, 733 km (455 mi) in Romania
Siret 706 km (439 mi) total, 559 km (347 mi) in Romania
Olt 615 km (382 mi)
Largest lakes
Lake Razim 415 km² (160 sq mi)
Lake Oltina 25 km² (10 sq mi)
Largest islands
Letea 1,480 km² (571 sq mi)
Balta Ialomitei 831 km² (321 sq mi)
Great Braila 710 km² (274 sq mi)


   Romania is administratively divided into 42 districts, with that of the capital being both the smallest, the most populated and the only one over a million inhabitants; the largest districts are instead those of Timis, Suceava and Caras-Severin, with an area quite similar to each other, just over 8,500 km².

   The capital Bucharest is the only large Romanian city, not far from 2 million inhabitants, while the remaining cities exceed at most 300,000 people; the distribution of the major inhabited centers is quite homogeneous, with only a handful of districts without considerable cities.
