Home > Asia > Yemen
Yemen flag
Republic of Yemen
Al-Jumhuriyah al-Yamaniyah
   Yemen occupies the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula and until 1990 was divided into two distinct nations (North and South Yemen); it is one of the poorest countries in Asia and is bounded to the south and east by the Indian Ocean. The territory is mountainous in the eastern part, with peaks that exceed 3,500 meters in height, while the north-eastern part is occupied by a sandy desert (shared with Saudi Arabia and Oman) still little explored in the inner areas. A civil war has been underway since 2015 that is undermining the already fragile balance of this country for the umpteenth time.
Government type Presidential republic
Area 528,076 kmē (203,891 sq mi)
Population 35,220,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 67 inh/kmē (173 inh/miē)
Capital Sana'a (2,545,000 pop., 3,585,000 urban aggl.)
Currency Yemeni rial
Human development index 0.455 (183rd place)
Languages Arabic (official), English
Life expectancy M 63 years, F 70 years
Location in Asia


Saudi Arabia NORTH
Red Sea WEST
Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea SOUTH


Largest cities
Sana'a 2,545,000 pop., 3,585,000 urban aggl.
Ta'izz 1,276,000 pop.
Aden 1,021,000 pop.
Al-Hudaydah 731,000 pop.
Highest mountains
Jabal An-Nabi Shu'ayb 3,666 m (12,028 ft)
Longest rivers
Only non-permanent rivers
Largest lakes
Only non-permanent lakes
Largest islands
Socotra 3,665 kmē (1,415 sq mi)
Zuqar 130 kmē (50 sq mi)
Al-Hanish al-Kabir 116 kmē (45 sq mi)
Kamaran 108 kmē (42 sq mi)


   Yemen is administratively divided into 21 governorates and 1 special district, the capital Sana'a; the two easternmost governorates of Hadramaut and Al Mahrah together constitute 3/5 of the entire territory, while that of Ta'izz is the most populated.

   At the last census dating back to 2004 there were 18 urban centers over 30,000 inhabitants, but only 7 of them exceeded the threshold of 100,000 units; the distribution of the major cities is clearly unbalanced towards the western part of the territory, which has a higher population density.
