Home > Europe > North Macedonia
North Macedonia flag
Republic of North Macedonia
Republika Severna Makedonija
   North Macedonia is one of the countries born after the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia and gained independence in 1991; it corresponds to a part of the homonymous historical region also belonging to Bulgaria and Greece. The territory is largely mountainous, with the Vardar River valley dividing the country's main ranges and being the most fertile and flat part of North Macedonia.
Government type Parliamentary republic
Area 25,436 km² (9,821 sq mi)
Population 1,837,000 inh. (2021 census)
Population 1,813,000 inh. (2024 est.)
Population density 71 inh/km² (185 inh/mi²)
Capital Skopje (527,000 pop.)
Currency Macedonian denar
Human development index 0.770 (78th place)
Languages Macedonian, Albanian (both official)
Life expectancy M 74 years, F 78 years
Location in Europe


Kosovo and Serbia NORTH
Bulgaria EAST
Greece SOUTH
Albania WEST


Largest cities
Skopje 527,000 pop.
Kumanovo 75,100 pop.
Bitola 69,300 pop.
Prilep 63,300 pop.
Tetovo 63,200 pop.
Highest mountains
Golem Korab 2,764 m (9,068 ft)
Titov Vrv 2,748 m (9,016 ft)
Longest rivers
Vardar 388 km (241 mi) total, 301 km (187 mi) in North Macedonia
Bregalnica 225 km (140 mi)
Crna 222 km (138 mi)
Largest lakes
Lake Ohrid 349 km² (135 sq mi) total, 230 km² (89 sq mi) in North Macedonia
Great Prespa Lake 274 km² (106 sq mi) total, 177 km² (68 sq mi) in North Macedonia
Dojran Lake 43 km² (16.6 sq mi) total, 27.5 km² (10.6 sq mi) in North Macedonia
Largest islands
Golem Grad (in Great Prespa Lake) 0.2 km² (0.08 sq mi)


   North Macedonia is divided into 80 municipalities, with Skopje alone exceeding 100,000 inhabitants, while Kumanovo, Bitola, Prilep and Tetovo have more than 50,000 people within their administrative territory.

   Altogether 22 inhabited centers have at least 10,000 inhabitants; they are distributed fairly evenly within the country, as can be seen in the map below.
