Home > Europe > Serbia
Serbia flag
Republic of Serbia
Republika Srbija
   Serbia is located in the Balkans and is practically what remains of the former Yugoslavia, since after Montenegro (2006), Kosovo also proclaimed its independence at the beginning of 2008 (not ratified by Serbia, however). The territory is flat in the northern part, while it becomes more and more rugged going south, with mountains that slightly exceed 2,000 meters; after the tensions and conflicts for the disintegration of the old Yugoslav federation, Serbia is slowly trying to recover.
Government type Parliamentary republic
Area 77,589 km˛ (29,957 sq mi)
Population 6,647,000 inh. (2022 census)
Population density 86 inh/km˛ (222 inh/mi˛)
Capital Belgrade (1,197,000 pop., 1,355,000 urban aggl.)
Currency Serbian dinar
Human development index 0.802 (63rd place)
Languages Serbian (official), Hungarian
Life expectancy M 73 years, F 78 years
Location in Europe


Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina WEST
Hungary NORTH
Bulgaria EAST
Montenegro SOUTH-WEST
Kosovo and North Macedonia SOUTH


Largest cities
Belgrade 1,197,000 pop., 1,355,000 urban aggl.
Novi Sad 260,000 pop.
Nis 179,000 pop.
Kragujevac 146,000 pop.
Highest mountains
Midzor 2,168 m (7,113 ft)
Longest rivers
Danube 2,858 km (1,776 mi) total, 588 km (365 mi) in Serbia
Tisza 976 km (606 mi) total, 168 km (104 mi) in Serbia
Sava 947 km (588 mi) total, 206 km (128 mi) in Serbia
Tamiš 359 km (223 mi) total, 118 km (73 mi) in Serbia
Drina 346 km (215 mi) total, 220 km (137 mi) in Serbia
Largest lakes
Derdap (artificial) 253 km˛ (98 sq mi) total, 178 km˛ (69 sq mi) in Serbia
Palic 5.6 km˛ (2.2 sq mi)


   Serbia is administratively divided into 24 districts, plus the territory of the capital, by far the most populated; among the districts the only one over half a million inhabitants is the Southern Backa, while as regards the surface area the primacy belongs to the districts of Zlatibor and Southern Banat.

   In the last census, the city of Belgrade only had more than one million inhabitants, with 3 other cities between 140,000 and 260,000 people; the major urban centers are well distributed over the territory, since each district has at least one, Toplica excluded.
